Dance Floor

How to Build an Awesome Dance Floor

How to Build a Dance Floor – My Favorite How-To

In June of this year, my 15 year old, Logan, graduated high school and we threw a big graduation and party for him. One of the things that he requested was that we have a dance. The kid knows me. I hear the word dance, and I’m all in!

While, we have definitely done our fair share of dancing in the yard, I figured this would be a terrific time to put in an actual dancing spot. At about the same time, wood prices were skyrocketing out of control, so I looked at a variety of different options.

We ended up settling on concrete. Concrete isn’t terribly hard to do. Plus, we have experience with it, so that helps. Another reason for deciding on a concrete dance floor is that it can be used for other things as well and the weather isn’t going to hurt it.

Step 1

When we decided specifically where we wanted it, we began prepping the ground and building the frame. We reused wood that we had recently used to frame the foundation for the new addition to our home. When we had the frame in place and very well staked off, we finished flattening the ground inside and dug the footing area a little deeper.

Step 2

For rebar, we actually used old wire fencing panels that we had and tied them together with baling wire. Logan was out doing the last minute tie-offs that morning before we poured.

Step 3

The Cement Truck arrived bright and early so that we could get done as early as possible. June in Southern Oklahoma is not the best time to be doing concrete work in the afternoon! The whole family worked together to get the dance floor poured and ready. There was definitely enough work to go around. There is a lot of pushing, pulling and dragging that goes into getting the concrete poured.

Step 4

After the pouring, comes the floating, and the floating, and the floating. This is where all of Kris’ experience shines. It also means that I don’t have to do it. …I don’t make the rules. He starts with the hand trowel, smoothing as best he can.

Next up is the bull float. He takes it back and forth across the whole thing for what seems like forever. We wanted it to be as smooth as we could get it since it was going to be a dance floor. So the last piece of the puzzle was the power float. Kris ran it across the dance floor over and over for quite some time. He was exhausted by the time it was complete, but it definitely worked out! Our dance floor turned out great!

The Finished Dance Floor was a Huge Success

Due to weather and scheduling issues, we literally constructed the dance floor less than a week prior to the graduation. But, before is before! The final step that we took in finishing the dance floor was to use a pump sprayer to apply a concrete stain in a mottled pattern. I didn’t want it to be solid like we painted it. I wanted it to have the rustic appearance that the rest of our place has. I love the way it turned out!

The graduation was wonderful and the dancing was such an awesome part of the party. I am so glad that we took this project on and I look forward to forcing my husband to dance with me for many years to come!


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