The Desire I knew that I wanted a new greenhouse from the moment that we bought our new place a few years back. However, there were many projects that …
The Joy of Raising Chickens I love raising chickens. I love everything about it. From getting up very early in order to make a run to the post office …
What to do with all that Zucchini! Squash and Zucchini are piling up right about now! In fact, about this time every year, they are always piling up. If …
Incredible Herb Gardening I love to garden! I love to grow anything and everything! But I have a real love of herb gardening. I adore the wonderful aromas that …
Rebuilding …Nothing New I have always been of the mindset that the best way to tackle a task is to hit it head-on…immediately. The day after our barn and …
I’ll start by saying that through our misery, we have still been very blessed. There have been so many fires, just recently, that left families with absolutely nothing. My …
It has been a significant amount of time since my last post and it is now time that I find the time to get back on this wagon. The …
Garden planning is on. Planning and preparation is the most important step of gardening! That is step 1, right? Well, last year, we literally had to throw it together …
When we first got our property, it was bare; definitely in need of a great deal of help. One of the first things that it needed, being a farmstead, …
It’s all About Preparing You ever get that ‘overwhelmed’ feeling? You know, the one that makes you just stand there wondering where to begin? Well, that’s how it was …